Read Online True Crime Homicide True Crime Stories of 2018 Annual True Crime Anthology Book 3 Audible Audio Edition Jack Rosewood Rebecca Lo Kevin Kollins LAK Publishing Books

By Megan Bradley on Friday, May 24, 2019

Read Online True Crime Homicide True Crime Stories of 2018 Annual True Crime Anthology Book 3 Audible Audio Edition Jack Rosewood Rebecca Lo Kevin Kollins LAK Publishing Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 10 hours and 13 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher LAK Publishing
  • Release Date March 1, 2019
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English

True Crime Homicide True Crime Stories of 2018 Annual True Crime Anthology Book 3 Audible Audio Edition Jack Rosewood Rebecca Lo Kevin Kollins LAK Publishing Books Reviews

  • Along with romances, Christian books, True Crime books is one of my favorite genres of books to read/review; and if you’ve got any doubts regarding the validity of what I’m saying just look at my profile where I’ve received a badge for being a TOP CONTRIBUTOR for True Crime Books.

    There are dozens of authors who are involved in writing this kind of book and Mr. Jack Rosewood is one of my favorites, as he gives his readers an engaging, complete story for each of the individual criminal, murderer or serial killer he chooses to write about. Given the nature of this book, being an anthology Mr. Rosewood cuts to chase to give readers a concise story which concentrates on the essential aspects of each events he’s included here; most importantly these stories are unbiased as they just contain the well-research facts for each event. To get an idea of what the author has included in this anthology as one has to do is to read the author’s own description for his book.

    The year 2018 had been fraught with multiple school and large-scale shootings with the US, worldwide terrorist attacks; but thanks at least to the technological improvements locating and apprehending these sadistic and heinous perpetrators of these events have become easier.

    For having given all aficionados of True Crime stories as myself, I’ve given Mr. Rosewood and his endeavor here 5 STARS.
  • kindle unlimited but one of my owned ones, typically don't read horror or gore, but like the way he writes so end up looking at all of them so far {except for the single serial killer ones}, many books out from him but the 3 collecions {of this set} are below, but all his books can be found on and goodreads.

    Murder, terrorism and mass killings, were prominent in the news for 2018, and in this True Crime Anthology you will find the cases that made international headlines from January to the end of December. An entire year has been included in this book, and as we go into 2019, it’s important to remember not only the shocking events that took place, but also to acknowledge the many that lost their lives at the hands of others this year. In this collection there is, unfortunately a large list of school shootings and the like, tragedies that reach far and wide and long.

    The types of cases included are
    Serial killers
    Family murders
    Mass murders
    School shootings
    Major hacking incidents
    Terrorist Acts
    Cold Cases

    There have been many advances in technology that has led to the uncovering on many suspects in cold cases, including the identity of the Golden State Killer, a secret that had remained hidden for decades. A number of cold case murders were solved this year, bringing an end to the torture the affected families and the investigators had endured for so many years. Tragically, school shootings were still prevalent, and mass shootings seem to be on the rise. Terrorism struck many corners of the world, in a variety of ways, but results were swifter in identifying perpetrators and taking action.

    Some of the featured events in this anthology include
    Marshall County High School Shooting
    The Turpin Family
    Larry Nassar and Harvey Weinstein
    Coincheck Hacking
    Bruce McArthur - Serial Killer
    Atlanta Cyberattack
    International Spy Poisonings
    Scottsdale Spree Killings
    Miles Family Murders
    Murder of XXXTentacion
    Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre
    Mail Bombing
    Plus many, many more. If you are a lover of true crime, and want an anthology to add to your collection, this is the book for you.

    True Crime Homicide & True Crime Stories of 2016 (Annual True Crime Anthology Book 1)
    True Crime 2017 Homicide & True Crime Stories of 2017 (Annual True Crime Anthology Book 2)
    True Crime 2018 Homicide & True Crime Stories of 2018 (Annual True Crime Anthology Book 3)
    True Crime 2018 Homicide & True Crime Stories of 2018 (Annual True Crime Anthology Book 3)
  • Fans of true crime will thoroughly enjoy this book. There's no time to catch your breath in this latest true-crime page turner from Jack Rosewood and Rebecca Lo. With their unique voice style, they paint a vivid portrait of murder, terrorism and mass killings that were prominent in the news in 2018.

    As the authors state ‘The past year has brought about the solving of many cold cases around the world, some of which have been unsolved for decades. This is a testament to the leaps and bounds that have been made in forensic technology and better cooperation between police authorities internationally. For many families of the victims, it may have taken a long time to see a result, but to finally have justice for their loved one is priceless.’

    Filled with the most complete case facts available, True Crime 2018 Homicide & True Crime Stories offers an unparalleled look at some of the most captivating crime cases in 2018, told by one of the most prolific crime writers of our time! I recommend this book to all who enjoy true crime.
  • These are the Chapter’s that interested me the most These are the Chapter’s that interested me the most Chapter 1 Thomas the Executioner; Chapter 3 The Moorhouse Murders
    Warning This book is for adults only & contains extreme violent or graphic adult content or profanity &/or sexually explicit scenarios. It may be offensive to some readers.

    I did not receive any type of compensation for reading & reviewing this book. While I receive free books from publishers & authors, I am under no obligation to write a positive review. Only an honest one.

    A very awesome book cover, great font & writing style. 12 very well written true crime stories (book). They were all very easy for me to read/follow from start/finish & never a dull moment. There were no grammar/typo errors, nor any repetitive or out of line sequence sentences. Lots of exciting scenarios, with several twists/turns & a great set of unique characters to keep track of. They all could also make another great true crime sequential movie, PP presentation, or better yet a mini TV series or even a documentary (True Crime; American Crime Story; Investigative Discovery). There are no references, works cited, or endnotes so I will only rate it at 4/5 stars.

    Thank you for the free author; Digital Services LLC.; book
    Tony Parsons MSW (Washburn)